COERR Mae Sot and Mae Sarieng Organized Scouting Training and Activities
for Children and Youth in Temporary Shelters

   Scouting Training and Activities for Children and Youth in Ban Umpiem Shelter, Phop Phra District, Tak Province was organized by COERR Mae Sot during February 27-28, 2020, in which 61 displaced persons of 33 male and 28 female attended.

   In March, Scouting Training and Activities were also organized by COERR Mae Sarieng, in both Shelters: Ban Mae Lama Luang, in Mae Hong Son’s Sob Moei District, during March 11-12, 2020, in which 70 children and youth of 28 Male and 42 female attended; and Ban Mae La Oon in the same district, during March 13-14, 2020, in which 80 youth of 43 female and 37 male attended.

   The training was about learning and understanding the principles and activities of scouting while developing youth’s capacity and potential in life skills. Benefits of scouting training are well known. It enables youth to adopt a variety of qualities such as leadership, toleration, discipline, confidence, self-reliance, teamworking, responsibilities as members of their communities.

   Highlights of scouting Training and Activities in Ban Umpiem during February 27-28, 2020. There were 61 children of 33 male and 28 female participating.

Spiritual and Moral Education Base

Rope Climbing

Paying attention how taste, smell affects your senses

Building Shelters and Cooking

Camp Fire Activities

Individual drill, Command and Order, Rules and Regulations, whistle signal, First Aid Activities

   Highlights of Scouting Training & Activities held in Ban Mae Lama Luang, March 11-12, 2020 and Ban Mae La Oon, March 13-14, 2020. A variety of activities has been participated.

   Trainees learned about introduction to scouting; learning about commands; orders, rules and regulations, drills, whistle signal, discipline, recreation and games, teamwork activities, healthcare and hygiene, especially, hand washing using water and soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer before touching food, etc.